Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Well I've been here on this island for a few days now.. had to suffer a little bit at first with a bad sinus thing that was causing some massive migrain headaches, but am better now. I'm somewhat restricted to the place that I'm working at for now, but will eventually venture out as soon as I'm capable.. I'm pretty sure there is an Anime store somewhere on the island and my goal is to find that. Another thing I want to find is the micro-brewery that has a live jam band that plays there.. cuz that would rock to try a few types of locally brewed beverages while listening to some music in the style of Phish or the Dead.. of course during the times I'm located those places I'm sure I'll try and hit up some historical landmarks as well and take lots of pictures. Soon as I can do that, I'll be sure to share some here. Till than it's just work work and more work, but hey, that's what I'm here for. This is no vacation after all, and would be totally unfair to have too much fun here without my family.

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