Rin - Daughters of Mnemosyne -
All I can really say is, "Its about Friggin Time!". That we've got some of that ol'skool ultraviolence that attracted soo many of us freaks to the anime subculture. Although there are soo many good anime shows out there today (new and old), there just something that makes those sick and twisted shows draw viewers to them like a moth to a flame. Not to mention that if the storytelling is enthrawling at the same time, its almost guarenteed to be a hit with us horror and pscho-thriller fans.. Well Rin does all that and then some. I just wished that it was longer.. but not really. There's always a nice charm to those gruesome thrillers that leaves you thinking omg I've just watched that, it was screwed up, and I must be just as screwed up for enjoying it.. HAAAHAAAAHAAAA.. Check it out!
And here's just a lil snapshot of what you can expect to see.. but you'll have to watch it to get the true feeling of the jacked-uppedness of this show.. Heh

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