I'm well into my second week now on this island paradise.. and it's really too bad that I'm here and soo close to vacation-land but can't really bask in any of its glory.. some freinds and co-workers have partook on some of the scuba activities but due to my dislike of water, fish, coral, sharks, and overall fun in the salty and sunny ocean, I relunctantly passed. And instead decided to work instead and spend time in my room watching internet video's, reading manga, and money saving books. I think I may eventually venture out to the mall and see if I cant find the (supposed) anime store that's there. Speaking of witch, I'm always called anime stores, or places that sell things from the otaku genre, anime stores. But wouldn't they have a different name then that? (technically speaking of course). Maybe they could just fall under the catagory or Japanese/ Asian Subculture-(or maybe Hobby) Shops? I dont know. That just popped in my mind for some reason. Mostly because if I go there and find said store, i will in fact not really be looking for 'anime' so-to-speak, but rather anime related items.. such as Figures, Toys, Posters, etc, etc.
I guess since I dont like much in the way of sports and such, I could always take on some golfing activity, cuz I have been known to try that, and have liked it in the past.. and there is a course literally about 200 ft from me. I may try that later this week, I'll take some pics if I do.. good thing I brought a collared shirt,, hahaha.
Well more to come I'm sure.. in the meantime, here's the pics I've taken soo far.

my hooch

my village of hooches